Greenfield celebrates the grand opening of the fire station
1 min read

Greenfield celebrates the grand opening of the fire station

Source: Greenfield Fire Department

GREENFIELD – The Greenfield Fire Department will celebrate the grand opening of the new Greenfield Fire Station at 41 Main St. during two events.

Last Monday, the Greenfield Fire Department held a grand opening ceremony for its new fire station. The ceremony included remarks from Virginia Mayor “Ginny” Desorgher, Greenfield Fire Chief Robert Strahan, U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern’s regional director Koby Gardner-Levine and several of the esteemed figures behind the construction of the project.

On Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Greenfield Fire Station invites residents to the Greenfield Fire Station Open House. This celebration invites community members to learn about the new fire station.

“We are excited to unveil the new Greenfield Fire Station. We invite the community to join the Fire Department in celebrating this momentous occasion,” said Mayor Virginia “Ginny” Desorgher.

The new fire station was created through collaboration between Greenfield, Northampton-based general contractor DA Sullivan & Sons, and H2M architects and engineers. DA Sullivan & Sons oversaw the construction process, and H2M architects and engineers assisted the city in design and planning stages, such as selecting the location for the fire station. Neil Joyce of Construction Monitoring Services oversaw the construction process as the owner’s project manager.

The new fire station is estimated to cost $21.7 million. The amount also includes the cost of a temporary fire station at 53 Hope St., which opened in September 2021. The fire station vacated its former headquarters to make room for the new Greenfield Public Library at 412 Main St. The city is currently in the process of dismantling the fire station. temporary fire station.