A spine-chilling death capsule dubbed the ‘Tesla of Suicides’ is set to be used in weeks to euthanize patients at the push of a button
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A spine-chilling death capsule dubbed the ‘Tesla of Suicides’ is set to be used in weeks to euthanize patients at the push of a button

In the next few weeks, the DEATH capsule for euthanasia of patients will be used for the first time in Switzerland.

Sarco, known as the “Tesla” of death containers, is short for sarcophagus, and the assisted dying group Exit Switzerland is something out of the science fiction genre movie.

Called "Tesla" Death capsules, Sarco to be used for the first time in Switzerland


Nicknamed the ‘Tesla’ of death pods, Sarco is set to be used for the first time in SwitzerlandSource: The Mega Agency
Controversial euthanasia activist Dr. Philip Nitschke, nicknamed Doctor Death, has invented a 3D-printed machine


Controversial euthanasia activist Dr. Philip Nitschke, nicknamed Doctor Death, has invented a 3D-printed machineSource: Alamy

The coffin-like death capsule would allow a euthanasia patient to press a button and die within seconds as the chamber would fill with nitrogen to deprive the person of oxygen.

The person will lose consciousness before he or she dies.

Controversial assisted suicide advocate and Australian researcher Dr. Philip Nitschke, nicknamed “Doctor Death,” claims his invention could allow users to die quickly and painlessly.

The doctor said his device would give people a chance to end their lives in a “peaceful” way.

He told local media: “There is no panic, there is no feeling of suffocation.

“The machine can be towed to any location to carry out an execution.

“It could be, for example, a peaceful outdoor setting or the headquarters of an assisted suicide organization.

“The person will enter the capsule and lie down.

“It’s very comfortable.”

He continued: “A person will enter the machine, be asked three questions to which they will have to answer verbally – ‘Who are you?’, ‘Where are you?’ and ‘Do you know what will happen if you press the button?’

“And if they answer these questions verbally, the software will change mode power so that you can press the button.”

Nitschke, a doctor, helped four terminally ill patients commit suicide in the 1990s, when Australia was the first country in the world to allow it – at least for a short time.

The local NZZ portal reported that the deployment of Sarco forces in Switzerland was expected in Next A few weeks.

Meanwhile, well-informed sources have told the website that Exit Switzerland’s preparations are largely complete, with the launch planned for July.

Sources say a candidate for euthanasia has allegedly been selected, but it is unclear who that person is.

Dr. Nitschke and his team did not confirm or deny these reports.

But pro-life groups warn that the 3D-printed capsules “glorify suicide.”

James Mildren, director of the pro-life group CARE, said: “Philip Nitschke’s device has been condemned by a wide range of commentators.

“Many people feel it trivializes or even glorifies suicide.

“We believe that suicide is a tragedy that good societies strive to prevent in all circumstances.

“There are ethical ways to help people that don’t involve destroying life.”

Last year in Switzerland, around 1,250 people took their own lives using assisted suicide.

Both assisted suicide and euthanasia are illegal in the UK.

If you are finding it difficult to cope, call Samaritans for free on 116 123 or use other sources of support such as those listed on the NHS suicidal support website.


Every 90 minutes in the UK someone commits suicide.

It does not discriminate, touching the lives of people from all walks of life – from the homeless and unemployed, to construction workers and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It is the leading cause of death among people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car accidents.

Yet it is rarely talked about, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly work if we all do not stop and take notice, now.

That’s why The Sun launched the You’re Not Alone campaign.

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all help save lives.

Let’s make a promise to ourselves to ask for help when we need it and to listen to others… You are not alone.

If you or someone you know needs help coping with mental health issues, the following organisations provide support:

Nitschke, a doctor, helped four terminally ill patients commit suicide in the 1990s in Australia.


Nitschke, a doctor, helped four terminally ill patients commit suicide in the 1990s in Australia.Source: AP:Associated Press
The pod allows people to lie down and look out the window


The pod allows people to lie down and look out the windowSource: The Mega Agency
The machine will ask three questions before the patient can press the button. Death is a matter of seconds


The machine will ask three questions before the patient can press the button. Death is a matter of secondsSource: The Mega Agency
The machine can also be moved to different locations


The machine can also be moved to different locationsSource: The Mega Agency